Nutzen von DNA-basierten Markern im Vergleich zu morphologischen Merkmalen in der DUS-Prüfung von Roggensorten
Project name: Cornet RyeDUS
Project duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2017Project Summary
Winter rye is an important cereal in Germany and Poland grown on a total of 1.8 million hectares representing 70 % of the production within the EU. As types of variety populations and hybrids are used, which are difficult to describe because of their high heterogeneity and heterozygosity. Release and protection of new plant varieties requires the fulfilment of certain criteria such as value for cultivation and use (VCU) and distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS), respectively. Both types of criteria have been evaluated using multi-year and multilocation field trials, which demand substantial costs and time to be invested in plant variety protection (PVP) and release.The rapid development of marker and genome sequencing technology raises the chance to use markers in DUS testing, which can accelerate the DUS procedure and lead to substantial advantages for plant breeding companies, PVP granting authorities and the agricultural sector in general, which primarily benefits from genetic progress.The pre-competitive character of the project is given by the fact that all stakeholders named above will equally benefit from the methodology to be developed. The use of markers in DUS testing is based on the premise that the difference between varieties, the uniformity within varieties and the stability of varieties can be determined with appropriate measures of marker diversity and therefore complements currently used phenotypic traits used in DUS testing. Investigating both molecular markers and traditionally used morphological traits will open insights into the relationship between phenotype-based and marker-based DUS traits. New statistical and computational methods for their analysis, in DUS testing will be developed. Finally, best practices for the use of markers in combination with phenotypic traits will be recommended for DUS testing in rye