Cornet Efficient Wheat
WP 1: Field trials and phenotypic characterization of 30 European elite winter wheat genotypes for NUE under drought stress conditions
The aim of this work package is to evaluate promising genotypes regarding nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), yield stability and quality from all involved breeding companies across a wide range of natural enviroments and in enviroments with controlled drought stress.WP leader: Lorenz Hartl, LfL
Research performer: TUM, LfL, AGES, CRCWP 2: Assessment of indirect and direct baking quality parameters under drought stress conditions
The aim of this work package is to evaluate baking quality parameters from all involved breeding companies across a wide range of natural environments and in environments with controlled water stress.WP leader: Clemens Flamm, AGES
Research performer: AGES, LfL, CRC, TUMWP 3: Association mapping of QTL for improved NUE under drought stress conditions
The use of molecular makers for selection in plant breeding programs has been suggested to be most beneficial for traits that are inherited quantitatively, subject to high environmental errors and difficult to select phenotypically.WP leader: Maren Livaja, TUM
Research performer: TUM